Web Duration – Support
How do I use the Web Duration extension to limit my time on a site?
Simply click the Duration icon in your broswer toolbar and configure the settings for your site.
I can't find the Web Duration extension icon in my browser toolbar - where is it?
If you cannot locate the Web Duration extension icon, you may need to configure your toolbar to display the icon. You can do so by right clicking on the toolbar and dragging the Duration icon into the toolbar.
What does the "Limit period resets" setting do?
The extension limits the time you spend on a site within a given time window. The time window can either be an "absolute" time period like every hour (starting on the hour) or every day (starting at 12:00AM), or it can be a rolling time period which starts when you start viewing the site.
For example, imagine it's 4PM, you navigate to a site configured with a limit period of 24 hours, and hit your time limit. If you have the timer configured to reset "every scheduled time period", you will be able to view the site again at midnight. If you have the timer configured to reset "starting at last view", you won't be able to view the site again until 4PM the following day.
Why did Web Duration stop working for my site?
If the timer stops working on a certain site, the site permissions may have changed. This can happen if you alter the permission settings, or if permissions had only been granted temporarily. In this case, simply clicking on the Duration icon while on the site should prompt you to reauthorize the Duration extension for the site.
Why doesn't Web Duration work for a particular site?
Though unusual, it's possible that a site has code which conflicts with the Duration extension functionality. If you encounter such a site, please submit a support request including the site and configuration you used.
How can I get support or contact the developers?
You can contact the developer at contact [ at ] blixtdev.com